Yes, so much has happened in just this short period of time. I went and relieved my sis-in-law in Oakland, CA which was unexpected but knowing that she had to visit her husband and her son in Fiji made me feel empathy. So, I took care of an old lady who was such a dear but lived in the woods. It was totally isolated and I thought I was back home in Sawani. The only time we saw the sun was early in the morning because the tree's were so tall and thick that it hid the sun. Needless to say, I did get a good white tan from that experience, people thought I was preggers! The highlight though of my time there was meeting up with my friends/classmates and just hanging out. Also got to meet with the Fijian members and how they were praying for a Fijian branch to open up and the neat thing was that while I was there it was announced that the First Pres. gave them the "go ahead"....that was really neat to be a part of that.
Anyhow, so after spending close to two months in Oakland, my husband decided to visit and since it was during the week of the USA 7's, it was too good an opportunity to pass up. We took the long drive to Las Vegas and back and I swear I will never do that again......gosh I thought Nadi to Suva was long!!! But it was a fun trip, I got to see the lights which was the highlight of the trip not the games. I did have a "moment" where I asked myself and husband, "If people come from all over the world because we are attracted to the lights of Las Vegas, why aren't we attracted to the Light of Christ then???
Well, that is a question I am still working on, so if you wanna shed some light into this please feel free. We came back home after the games and after just spending 2 weeks at home we were struck with a tsunami warning....wailei tutu joji!!!! Is it a sign or what??? Well, that was a sign for me to get our welfare started. I was more worried for my sister and her family in Kiribati where I swear a 12ft wave or less can swipe the whole island off the map. It is so tiny with no mountains. I asker my sister Nina, where their evacuation site was? She said they have to climb to their rooftops since it was the highest points in the entire island! Oh well this is when we realize that the only chance we have is to pray and pray and pray some more.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Saturday, November 28, 2009
YAH.......I'm finally here!!!
So, I know its been a month now that I am here in Hawaii with my dear sweet husband but I have to post this. To thank everyone for your prayers and well wishes in making sure that I got here in one piece and soon.
It was bittersweet living my family but I gots to be with my family and so here I am. However, I am having a lot of "Fiji"withdrawals not to mention the physical ones too. I MISS that country lots and especially my family. I was fortunate enough to be still in Fiji when my sister and her family from Kiribati came in for the wedding and I got to spend time with my niece and nephews, that was really cool. We also celebrated Ice's wedding to Daphne Levaci, glad that she joined our family and the first ever sister-in-law so that is exciting. It was a really funny wedding, we got to see some weird traditions like the Ice's in-laws family will feed him and the wife and they got to seat on their aunts laps while they were yea that was really funny to watch Ice who usually shy's away from attention be the center of attention.
Now that I am here, the next order of business is to find a job......arrrgghhhh!!! Anywayz, working very hard on it so it will be good sometime soon.
It was bittersweet living my family but I gots to be with my family and so here I am. However, I am having a lot of "Fiji"withdrawals not to mention the physical ones too. I MISS that country lots and especially my family. I was fortunate enough to be still in Fiji when my sister and her family from Kiribati came in for the wedding and I got to spend time with my niece and nephews, that was really cool. We also celebrated Ice's wedding to Daphne Levaci, glad that she joined our family and the first ever sister-in-law so that is exciting. It was a really funny wedding, we got to see some weird traditions like the Ice's in-laws family will feed him and the wife and they got to seat on their aunts laps while they were yea that was really funny to watch Ice who usually shy's away from attention be the center of attention.
Now that I am here, the next order of business is to find a job......arrrgghhhh!!! Anywayz, working very hard on it so it will be good sometime soon.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
At the advanced age of 28, I finally got my drivers license.......woohoooo....yipeeeeyayooooo!!!! I started driving 2 years ago and I only worked up the nerve to go in for my test and the test master or whatever we may call him was so HARD....he was a nightmare!!! So, to you who haven't gotten their drivers license anything is possible at this advanced age of 28.
We are now preparing for Ice's wedding next month. Its always exciting to prepare for weddings as it brings the extended family together and I can't think of another good reason, oh yea its FUN!!! His wedding will be a small affair compared to the ones we've been having and since he insisted on having a small one we have obliged him. He is weird like that and smart since he will be paying for most of the stuff and he says he can't afford feeding a whole village or he will be having rourou for dinner for the rest of his life.
I am excited since the processing of my papers have been advancing at a pace not expected and I am still crossing my fingers that it will be soon and very soon. For the time being, I still am at home working the firewood and slaving away at my glorified landscape projects, and best of all being a pest to my little brother. oh.....oh....oh I have to tell you of my big find and that is I am now a #1 fan of she is so cool, hilarious, and she loves to cook......what more can a Fijian gal ask for.
We are now preparing for Ice's wedding next month. Its always exciting to prepare for weddings as it brings the extended family together and I can't think of another good reason, oh yea its FUN!!! His wedding will be a small affair compared to the ones we've been having and since he insisted on having a small one we have obliged him. He is weird like that and smart since he will be paying for most of the stuff and he says he can't afford feeding a whole village or he will be having rourou for dinner for the rest of his life.
I am excited since the processing of my papers have been advancing at a pace not expected and I am still crossing my fingers that it will be soon and very soon. For the time being, I still am at home working the firewood and slaving away at my glorified landscape projects, and best of all being a pest to my little brother. oh.....oh....oh I have to tell you of my big find and that is I am now a #1 fan of she is so cool, hilarious, and she loves to cook......what more can a Fijian gal ask for.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
For the last few months since the economy downturn, life has been exciting. There has been so much stuff going on for me that it has helped me cope with my "attachment issues." I mean it is hard to be apart from my husband for 7 months now but I am coping or I would already be institutionalized. We live in a rural area where there is no regular water supply and only when I turned 18 did we have electricity in our house. We live like a mile away from where we can catch regular transport and I have always hated living there from when I was a teenager because of its inconvenience. I have learnt to love it now. I really do love it now!!!
I get to cook dinner outside on the fireplace to save gas, I plant flowers and have started to landscape our very very bare yard, I go swimming in the river every now and then (when I am not cold), chop firewood, bake, and sleep a full 8hrs without any noise. Can it get any better then this? This is the life and I was thinking of people wanting to live the country (Fiji, including myself) to move on to bigger and better things and I cringe because this is the life I want for my children. As simple and as hard as it may seem, its very rewarding. I am beginning to dread moving to the States because of how complicated it can be but....that is where my heart is so I better take the rest of my body there.
Anyhows, its been real and life is a struggle but it is worth every damn bit of it. I gotta go check on my flowers and give it some water and check out our overgrown waterfall and see if we can restore it to its former!!!
See ya.....I will be posting pics of my very domesticated self working on my simple but glorified projects very soon!!!
I get to cook dinner outside on the fireplace to save gas, I plant flowers and have started to landscape our very very bare yard, I go swimming in the river every now and then (when I am not cold), chop firewood, bake, and sleep a full 8hrs without any noise. Can it get any better then this? This is the life and I was thinking of people wanting to live the country (Fiji, including myself) to move on to bigger and better things and I cringe because this is the life I want for my children. As simple and as hard as it may seem, its very rewarding. I am beginning to dread moving to the States because of how complicated it can be but....that is where my heart is so I better take the rest of my body there.
Anyhows, its been real and life is a struggle but it is worth every damn bit of it. I gotta go check on my flowers and give it some water and check out our overgrown waterfall and see if we can restore it to its former!!!
See ya.....I will be posting pics of my very domesticated self working on my simple but glorified projects very soon!!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009 this will just be a short update since there weren't any drama this week. So far we have just been preparing for Orisi's trip to Hawaii to finish off his education. He had an extended trip which was supposed to last a year but it moved to more then a year. But he has been very industrious at home cleaning, weeding, gardening, and planting and besides we have just harvested the taro he planted and we ate it last week. So,, he will be leaving us this Sunday and will be in Hawaii for at least two semesters.
I got to attend the wedding reception of Romulus Toro to Annie it was a really nice reception, reminded me again of!!! Junior (youngest bro) has gotten right back into playing in the Saints team, giving my mom a lot of heart palpitations ( she is worried that her baby will get paralysed from playing rugby). Anywayz, that is all about our boring life here in Fiji. Will make sure that I update this every week if it's possible.
Took a pic of us right before heading to church!!
I got to attend the wedding reception of Romulus Toro to Annie it was a really nice reception, reminded me again of!!! Junior (youngest bro) has gotten right back into playing in the Saints team, giving my mom a lot of heart palpitations ( she is worried that her baby will get paralysed from playing rugby). Anywayz, that is all about our boring life here in Fiji. Will make sure that I update this every week if it's possible.
Took a pic of us right before heading to church!!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Man, I have said that word so many times that I think I've lost the true meaning of it. Anywayz, I have been lax in my blogging due to some unforseen circumstances which were way beyond my control so please bear with me. My computor and internet connection were stolen and because of our trustworthy police system (NOT), I believe I will never see them again. So, onto serious matters of the!!! I am still here in Fiji, missing the husband and hoping that I will be joining his soon.
Nina and her family have now moved to Kiribati and so the house is empty. We now live with my grandmother who is a dear old lady and not as mobile as she was before. We enjoy having her with us always as she keeps mom company. Orisi is preparing now to go back to BYUH, its been amazing how Satan is working really hard to keep from progressing. He had the biggest, nastiest, and most painful boil ever on his right hand for a month...a month people!!! He looked so helpless since he found it difficult to do the most mundane tasks. But he weathered the storm and was able to get back on his feet and then when it was time to work on his papers, he misplaced his passport. He had to work on another new one and in his case it would usually take a month or so to process a new one that has been misplaced but he got it in less then a week......a MIRACLE!! So, now he is waiting for the embassy and his appointment date with them and hopefully that goes through also. I wish him all the best in the world!!!
But, I'm saving the best for last and that is my younger brother just got back from his mission. Woooohooo......he is the greatest youngest bro anyone could ever ask for.
Nina and her family have now moved to Kiribati and so the house is empty. We now live with my grandmother who is a dear old lady and not as mobile as she was before. We enjoy having her with us always as she keeps mom company. Orisi is preparing now to go back to BYUH, its been amazing how Satan is working really hard to keep from progressing. He had the biggest, nastiest, and most painful boil ever on his right hand for a month...a month people!!! He looked so helpless since he found it difficult to do the most mundane tasks. But he weathered the storm and was able to get back on his feet and then when it was time to work on his papers, he misplaced his passport. He had to work on another new one and in his case it would usually take a month or so to process a new one that has been misplaced but he got it in less then a week......a MIRACLE!! So, now he is waiting for the embassy and his appointment date with them and hopefully that goes through also. I wish him all the best in the world!!!
But, I'm saving the best for last and that is my younger brother just got back from his mission. Woooohooo......he is the greatest youngest bro anyone could ever ask for.
He served in the Sydney North Mission. So, I will be posting up pics later as soon as I can figure out a way to sneak in again and use my mom's computor at her office. Hopefully, I will be regularly updating this blog as often as possible so that I can keep updated with my own life too.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
RS B'day!
So, just this past Saturday we had out Relief Society birthday and it was so fun. I was tasked with organizing the whole program and I had so much fun doing it. It was a tea party and each sister was required to wear hats to the party. Anywayz, we didn't have a lot of sisters attend but the little that came did have fun so here are some pics of the event.

This was the best part....the finger food was a surprise b'day gift from the Bishopric. Dosen't that look so good??? Anywayz, I ate my fill of those chicken wings and it was "finger lickin good."
So HAPPY BIRTHDAY Relief Society!!!!
Heidi and I made the cupcakes and once again it was fun
making them. So, thank you Heidi for the big help!

We tried to make the icing blue but it turned out green but it still worked......and it was all gone in a few seconds.

This was the best part....the finger food was a surprise b'day gift from the Bishopric. Dosen't that look so good??? Anywayz, I ate my fill of those chicken wings and it was "finger lickin good."

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