Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm Back!!!

Yes, I am the worst Blogger ever, there is a Fijian sayin that goes, "Katakata vaka Kuro kava." Which simply translates, hot like a tin pot....and that describes me totally. I was all fired up when I started this blog but that fire slowly died down and it resulted in nearly a year of sabbatical.
Well, since I'm back a lot has happened over that 'sabbatical' period from blogging. First, I quit my job at the Social Welfare because they weren't paying me, they led me on a wild goose chase. So, I just upped and quit and it was a good thing too because it was draining my wedding fund.......which leads to the next big thing that happened!
I got married to the most wonderful guy, who is everything I'm not. I would love to extol his virtues but I'd rather not as it would embarass him....LOL!!! We got married at the LDS Temple here in Fiji and which was way cool. We have been married now for 3 months and it has not been a blast so far.....because we are the first couple that you would have heard off that gets separated after a month of wedded bliss. Anywayz, I am here in Fiji for an indefinite period of time till my papers to move up to the States gets processed and then I can join him....lucky thing we are just separated and not divorced!!!
So, in the meantime I am working part time as a teacher and I love it because its a challenge but I am also looking for work.
Also, my first ever niece was born, she is the cutest baby with the thickest mop of dark black curly hair. It kind of looks like Monica's black doll from Mom Sue...well I surely will post up pics of her.

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