Wednesday, August 19, 2009

For the last few months since the economy downturn, life has been exciting. There has been so much stuff going on for me that it has helped me cope with my "attachment issues." I mean it is hard to be apart from my husband for 7 months now but I am coping or I would already be institutionalized. We live in a rural area where there is no regular water supply and only when I turned 18 did we have electricity in our house. We live like a mile away from where we can catch regular transport and I have always hated living there from when I was a teenager because of its inconvenience. I have learnt to love it now. I really do love it now!!!

I get to cook dinner outside on the fireplace to save gas, I plant flowers and have started to landscape our very very bare yard, I go swimming in the river every now and then (when I am not cold), chop firewood, bake, and sleep a full 8hrs without any noise. Can it get any better then this? This is the life and I was thinking of people wanting to live the country (Fiji, including myself) to move on to bigger and better things and I cringe because this is the life I want for my children. As simple and as hard as it may seem, its very rewarding. I am beginning to dread moving to the States because of how complicated it can be but....that is where my heart is so I better take the rest of my body there.

Anyhows, its been real and life is a struggle but it is worth every damn bit of it. I gotta go check on my flowers and give it some water and check out our overgrown waterfall and see if we can restore it to its former!!!

See ya.....I will be posting pics of my very domesticated self working on my simple but glorified projects very soon!!!


1 comment:

The Varo's said...

Ofa! I am picturing you chopping wood and although funny, I do wish I was where you are Fiji! Plants those flowers and gives my loves to Mama Fei.